
class optuna_integration.AllenNLPPruningCallback(trial=None, monitor=None)[source]

AllenNLP callback to prune unpromising trials.

See the example if you want to add a pruning callback which observes a metric.

You can also see the tutorial of our AllenNLP integration on AllenNLP Guide.


When AllenNLPPruningCallback is instantiated in Python script, trial and monitor are mandatory.

On the other hand, when AllenNLPPruningCallback is used with AllenNLPExecutor, trial and monitor would be None. AllenNLPExecutor sets environment variables for a study name, trial id, monitor, and storage. Then AllenNLPPruningCallback loads them to restore trial and monitor.


Currently, build-in pruners are supported except for PatientPruner.

  • trial (Trial | None) – A Trial corresponding to the current evaluation of the objective function.

  • monitor (str | None) – An evaluation metric for pruning, e.g. validation_loss or validation_accuracy.


Deprecated in v3.5.0. This feature will be removed in the future. The removal of this feature is currently scheduled for v5.0.0, but this schedule is subject to change. See https://github.com/optuna/optuna/releases/tag/v3.5.0.


on_epoch(trainer, metrics, epoch[, is_primary])

Check if a training reaches saturation.

register(*args, **kwargs)

Stub method for TrainerCallback.register.

on_epoch(trainer, metrics, epoch, is_primary=True, **_)[source]

Check if a training reaches saturation.

  • trainer (GradientDescentTrainer) – AllenNLP’s trainer

  • metrics (dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of metrics.

  • epoch (int) – Number of current epoch.

  • is_primary (bool) – A flag for AllenNLP internal.

  • _ (Any)

Return type:


classmethod register(*args, **kwargs)

Stub method for TrainerCallback.register.

This method has the same signature as Registrable.register in AllenNLP.

Return type:
